Orders are shipped within 2 business days. Transit times range from 1-6 days for standard shipping. Expedited shipping is offered only to contiguous U.S.
FREE Standard Shipping (1-6 days): Available for Continental U.S. Transit time ranges based upon product.
Expedited Ground Shipping (1-3 days): $10. Available for Contiguous U.S. states only.
(Alaska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, APO/FPO/AEO)
Standard Shipping (3-9 days): $5.
Expedited Ground Shipping (1-3 days): Unfortunately at this time we are unable to offer expedited shipping for non-continental states & territories.
We now have local dispatch for most of our products directly from within Canada, UK, & Australia. Shipping rates within these countries start at $10 USD and increase by weight. If local shipping is available for your order, this will show up on the check-out page.
To purchase from your local Amazon website visit:
Amazon Canada
Amazon UK
Amazon Australia
Unfortunately at this time we are only able to ship to the USA, Canada, the UK, and Australia.
While we are based in the US, we are able to ship out directly from the following countries: USA, Canada, UK, & Australia. Orders from countries not on this list will ship out from us here in the US.
We have distributors in the countries listed below. If you are in one of these countries, please contact them directly or send us a message.
Australia: Dainty Daisy
Malaysia: Playhood & Precious Ones
If you would like to distribute or be a stockist for our product, please contact us!